Are you ready for a relocation abroad? All you need to think about before the big decision

When your work offers you the chance to relocate, you’re likely to feel a wide range of emotions.

It’s exciting, it’s a great opportunity, but it can also be stressful and rather nerve-wracking. Here is some ‘food for thought’ to consider when making your decision about whether or not to make that big move and relocate overseas…


Where will you be going?

Your new life will be very different depending on where you are being sent to. If you have a choice of locations, then you can make a choice. Some locations will be better for your career prospects, others may be more suitable to your family. Of course if you don’t speak the language of your new home, this can make life a little tricky at first. You may be offered incentives to go to a location that isn’t as desirable as some, so this is something you’ll also need to weigh up. Wherever you go, you need to think carefully. Your relocation could be the best move you’ve ever made, financially, for the future of your career, and for the amazing life experience of living overseas.


The length of assignment and options after

How long will your relocation be for? Is it indefinite? For the short term? Or perhaps for a set number of years? If you’re moving short term, it’s wise to consider what you’ll do when your contract is up. Will you need to return home, or are you able to stay on for longer should you be happy there?


Relocation policies of your company

Few companies will simply send their employees and their families overseas without some sort of assistance, so find out what your company can offer you. It may be financial help for the move, it could be practical help such as accommodation in your new location. Perhaps they will help with language courses and simply offer advice on how to live well in this new and different country.


Your life in a new country

Of course not all your time will be spent working, so you need to think about how your life will be in a new place. Is there a good expatriate community in the area? Speaking to expats will always be very useful if you have any questions, and it helps you to feel at home if you’re struggling to adjust at first. Relocating can be lonely so it’s great to make some friends early on.


Returning home

It may seem odd to be thinking about your return home before you’ve even left, but it can be surprisingly hard to readjust to your old life, when you return from living somewhere that is culturally very different. So you need to bear in mind that it could take time to get used to everything on your return.


Think carefully and Good Luck!

Do consider all these points carefully, and make sure you’re certain before you make a decision that’s this huge, but don’t worry too much. Relocating can be stressful but the move can be made much easier if you find a removal company that specialises in overseas moves. To find out more visit Columbia Worldwide Movers. We wish you lots of luck with whatever you decide!

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